Saturday, January 15, 2011


I have been working through Book I of Plato's Republic. I managed to find an relatively inexpensive Limited Editions Club copy that is proving to be a wonderful companion. Although a philosopher friend of mine has warned me that the Jowett translation is a bit old school.

I've gotten three lectures into the more recent course of two, covering the Republic in detail. David Roochnik's course is wonderful, but I am glad that I also have the Sugrue course. I heard the entire Sugrue course years ago, but I just revisited the lecture on Book I. Their perspectives are VERY different. Sugrue's style sometimes resembles a lively, good hearted rant, his enthusiasm obvious, his knowledge of the dialogs clear. Roochnik stays close to the text. They make a great team. The LEC 1944 translation has substantial commentary, nearly the length of the dialogue for some of the chapter length 'books' of the dialogue.

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